The Los Angeles Women's International Film festival (#LAWomensfest) debuted the festival scene in 2005 and is produced by Alliance of Women Filmmakers (AWF), a non-profit dedicated to the advancement and equality of women in entertainment. The festival serves as a platform for women filmmakers worldwide to share their unique stories with diverse audiences. Covered by prominent media outlets like “The Hollywood Reporter and “The Los Angeles Times” #LAWomensfest has been helmed “the festival that fights back” (Ms. Magazine. 2019). This year marks the festival’s 19th year which will be held virtually, and feature films made by women from around the world including, Austria, China, Italy, India and Israel to name a few. Alliance of Women Filmmakers has established a worldwide network of Artists who share their same mission of creating opportunities and powerful screen images of women. Engage with the AWF community March 24 – March 27, 2022, from the comfort of your home to connect with visionary filmmakers, see great films and celebrate the achievements of women storytellers from around the world.
Volunteering with LAWIFF is an opportunity to see incredible films, network with filmmakers and entertainment executives, make friends and take part in a truly collaborative event that supports and celebrates women filmmakers from around the world. For more information email dmeans25@yahoo.com put 2022 Volunteer Assignment in the subject line.